1. A People's Green New Deal (Max Ajl)
  2. An Ecomodernist Manifesto (John Asafu-Adjaye et al.)
  3. Meet the ecomodernists: ignorant of history and paradoxically old-fashioned (The Guardian)
  4. The Brave New World of Ecomodernism  (The Guardian)
  5. Memo to Jacobin: Ecomodernism is not ecosocialism (Climate & Capitalism)
  6. Where's the 'eco' in ecomodernism? (Climate & Capitalism)
  7. The “Good Anthropocene” and Green Political Theory: Rethinking Environmentalism, Resisting Ecomodernism (Anne Fremaux and John Barry)
  8. The Death of Environmentalism (Ted Nordhaus & Michael Shellenberger)
  9. The Long Death of Environmentalism (Ted Nordhaus)
  10. The Reaches of Freedom: A Response to An Ecomodernist Manifesto (Eileen Crist)
  11. A Call to Look Past An Ecomodernist Manifesto: A Degrowth Critique (Jeremy Caradonna et al.)
  12. A Manifesto for Abundant Futures (Rosemary-Claire Collard et al.)
  13. The decoupling delusion: rethinking growth and sustainability (The Conversation)
  14. The material footprint of nations (Thomas O. Wiedmann et al.)
  15. A vision for human well-being: transition to social sustainability (Deborah S. Rogers et al.)
  16. Decoupling Debunked (European Environmental Bureau)
  17. Eco-modernism vs. Degrowth (Summer School on Degrowth and Environmental Justice)
  18. The Magical Thinking of Ecomodernism (Jason Hickel)
  19. Better Technology Isn't The Solution To Ecological Collapse (Fast Company)
  20. Energy and material flows of megacities (Christopher A. Kennedy et al.)