1. Black Farmers Are Rebuilding Agriculture in Coal Country (Civil Eats)
  2. After a Century of Dispossession, Black Farmers Are Fighting to Get Back to the Land (Mother Jones)
  3. How Thousands of Black Farmers Were Forced Off Their Land (The Nation)
  4. There were nearly a million black farmers in 1920. Why have they disappeared? | Farming (The Guardian)
  5. The Mississippi Delta's History of Black Land Theft  (The Atlantic)
  6. In Detroit, a push to help Black farmers purchase land (Grist)
  7. Black Farmers in the USA and Michigan: Longevity, Empowerment, and Food Sovereignty (Dorceta E. Taylor)
  8. Losing Ground: Farmland Consolidation and Threats to New and Black Farmers and the Future of Farming (Rafter Ferguson)
  9. Forgotten Farmers: African-American Land Loss (HuffPost via YouTube)
  10. Defund the Police. Invest in Black Farmers. (Truthout)
  11. Black Farmers Hail $5 Billion in COVID Relief to Redress Generations of Racism (Truthout)
  12. How the Black Farmers Collective Is Growing a Black-Led Food System Rooted in Black Liberation (The Root)
  13. Point of Origin: Farming While Black (Point of Origin)
  14. 'We Are Each Other's Harvest:' The Past, Present And Future Of Black Farmers (NPR)
  15. Retired research farmer speaks out about decades of federal land discrimination to caution younger producers (Black Farmers Network)
  16. Veronica Womack (The Homecomers)
  17. How 'Communism' Brought Racial Equality To The South  (NPR)
  18. The Black Belt Communists (Jacobin)
  19. Hammer and Hoe  (Robin D. G. Kelley)
  20. The Pigford Cases: USDA Settlement of Discrimination Suits by Black Farmers (Tadlock Cowan & Jody Feder